Máy đo bằng tia X-ray Nikon XT H 160
Model: XT H 160
Hãng sản xuất: Nikon
Thông số kỹ thuật:
Microfocus source
Max. kV
Max. power
Focal spot size
Focal spot size at max power
XT H 160
XT H 225
160 kV Xi, Reflection target
160 kV
60 W
3 µm up to 7 W
60 µm at 60 W
160 kV Reflection target
225 W
225 µm at 225 W
180kV Transmission target
180 kV
10 W
1 µm up to 3 W
10 µm at 10 W
225 kV Reflection target
225 kV
225 kV Rotating target option
450 W
10 µm up to 30 W
113 µm at 450 W
Basic configuration
Alternative configuration
# Bits
Active pixels
Pixel Size
Max. frame rate at 1x1 binning
Max. frame rate at 2x2 binning
Varian 1313
1000 x 1000
127 µm
10 fps
30 fps
Varian 2520
1900 x 1516
7.5 fps
15 fps
Varian 4030
2300 x 3200
3 fps
7 fps
Perkin Elmer 0820
200 µm
# Axes
Axes travel
(X) 185 mm (Y) 250 mm (Z) 700 mm (Tilt) +/- 30 (Rotate) n*360°
Max. sample weight
Cabinet dimensions (LxWxH)
1,830 mm x 875 mm x 1,987 mm
2,400 kg
All systems are manufactured to IRR99
Control software
All systems are controlled by Nikon Metrology’s in-house Inspect-X software
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