Máy đo độ nhám Taylor Hobson Form Talysurf Intra
Model: Form Talysurf Intra
Hãng sản xuất: Taylor Hobson
Thông số kỹ thuật:
1mm vertical range / 16nm resolution
Delivers form (contour) as well as surface finish measurement capability for precision metal forming and other applications
50mm horizontal traverse
Ideal for the majority of shop floor applications. The unit combines both accuracy and portability
0.40um / 50mm straightness error
The high accuracy traverse datum makes possible skidless measurement of waviness, form and contour, even on large components
0.5um horizontal data spacing
Small components and features can be measured more effectively than ever before. Reduced run-up and run-down length further improve usability
Manual column
For large or tall components the available manual column provides a stable, dedicated work station for improved throughput
Tags: Máy đo độ nhám bề mặt, Máy cân chỉnh đồng tâm, Máy hiệu chuẩn, Máy đo biên dạng, Máy đo 3 chiều